Philosophy of Film

Movies are obviously the most popular art form of the modern world. Every weekend, more money is collected by the box office than the offering plate. More money will be spent on film projects this year than will be donated to charity. The greatest geniuses of our time all work in Hollywood, whether they be writers, musicians, actors, designers, technicians, or businessmen—because that’s where the money is.
This multi-trillion dollar industry produces some of the best and worst models of the human condition. Growing demand for the craft testifies to its accuracy. A ravenous public craves living, moving art form allows for audience interaction. As technology advances toward a total theater experience, people have greater access to some of the greatest works of history.
New technology allows you to become immersed in the current equivalent of symphonies from John Williams, or plays from Ron Howard. So many people enjoy these products, but very few pause to consider them as art and appreciate them as such. Usually all you hear after a movie was “yeah, I liked it,” or possibly “it was so funny when…”
Film continues to permeate society, not just at the theater anymore but even more in the home. The power of this art form should not go overlooked, or it may trample ignorant snobs. Educate yourself in this still evolving industry and learn to discern its implications for the future of art interaction! Only a thorough understanding of movies will allow you to fully be able to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.